The following radio public service announcements for American Indian/Alaskan Native audiences contain information, guidance and recommendations from CDC experts on important aspects of flu prevention and the flu season.

Radio PSAs
Protect The Circle of Life (:30)
The circle of life is a powerful force. Keep our circle healthly by getting a flu vaccine. Pregnant women, young children, elders and anyone with health conditions like diabetes and heart disease are especially vulnerable. Your flu vaccine protects me. My flu vaccine protects you. Together, let's protect the circle of life by getting vaccinated. Learn more. Call 800-232-4636 or visit cdc.gov/flu.
A Serious Protection (:30)
Native people are at high risk for serious flu complications. Pregnant women, young children, elders and anyone with health conditions like diabetes and heart disease are especially vulnerable. Please get a yearly flu vaccine. Your flu vaccine protects me. My flu vaccine protects you. Together, let's protect the circle of life by getting vaccinated. Learn more. Call 800-232-4636 or visit cdc.gov/flu.