At a glance
Alexander "Sasha" Cook was adopted in 1997 at the age of 5. Now at 23, Sasha and his mother, Melissa, share his story.

Sasha's story
As a child and young teen, Sasha faced numerous difficulties. These included learning problems and struggles with social relationships such as interacting with classmates. It also included difficulty with team sports since rules were too abstract, and trouble handling everyday things in life. He still remembers that being with his fellow students was "no fun."
Sasha had many evaluations and was diagnosed with multiple disabilities. Knowing he was exposed to alcohol before birth is what helped his family and doctors best understand his challenges. Typical milestones that other children reached and took for granted seemed out of reach for Sasha.
Coaching, adapting, and modifying expectations
Despite the odds and with support from his family, friends, church, and school community, Sasha has come a long way. Sasha has shown great potential, has many strengths, works hard, and clearly shows his resilience and depth of character. "We did the majority of behavior modification at home. This includes having structure and understanding that this is not a moral disorder but a brain-based disorder," explains Melissa.
"It is constant coaching, adapting, and modifying expectations for them, realistically...matching their potential with their gifts and strengths. As parents of children with FASDs, we are their external brain. Our children can be successful in a safe, structured, under-stimulated environment that builds on their capabilities to help through the challenges."
Employee of the month
Sasha successfully completed high school and has been gainfully employed by a large national grocery chain since 2009. Over the years, Sasha has been given additional responsibilities by his employer and was recognized for his willingness to help others.
Sasha proudly shares details on the numerous awards he has received and his growing customer service skills. "I was excited to be Employee of the Month and now I've been promoted to work the cash register. I like the people who I work with."
Active member of the community
Following in his mother's footsteps, Sasha is an active member of the community. He understands his disability and helps bring support to others. For example, he answered questions about FASDs at a seminar hosted by the Georgia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities.
Sasha also provided information about FASD United's (formerly NOFAS) Georgia chapter. FASD United, a national nonprofit, is committed to preventing FASDs and supporting individuals and families living with FASDs.
As busy as Sasha stays, he still participates in fun activities. This includes playing the piano, playing tennis with the family, and participating in a church bowling league. "Sasha is an excellent bowler and has crafted his talent for 5 years," continues Melissa. "I have found that promoting physical activity through individualized sports are important tools to enhance a child's daily functioning." Sasha is a very well-rounded young man and receives great family support in all his endeavors.