At a glance
- The National Exposure Report uses geometric means to estimate central tendency.
- Geometric means better estimate central tendency for right-skewed data, including many environmental chemical measurements in human samples.
- Pooled sample results show weighted arithmetic means and unadjusted standard errors, which may not accurately reflect true imprecision.

A geometric mean gives a better estimate of central tendency for data that are distributed with a long tail at the upper end of the distribution. This type of distribution is common when measuring environmental chemicals in blood or urine. The geometric mean is influenced less by high values than is the arithmetic mean. In the Report, geometric means are calculated by taking the log of each concentration and then using SUDAAN software to compute the weighted mean of those log-transformed values. Ninety-five percent confidence intervals around the weighted mean are calculated by adding and subtracting an amount equal to the product of a Student's t-statistic and the standard error of the weighted mean estimate. The degrees of freedom of the t-statistic was determined by subtracting the number of strata from the number of primary sampling units, according to the data available from the complex survey design. The standard error was computed with SUDAAN's PROC DESCRIPT procedure and "with replacement" design option (design = WR), with Taylor series linearization used for variance estimation. The weighted geometric mean and its confidence limits were obtained by taking the antilog of this weighted mean and its upper and lower confidence limits.
The measured value for a pooled sample is comparable to an arithmetic average of measurements in individuals. Consequently, the pooled sample result is expected to be higher than the geometric mean of multiple individual results. In addition, direct calculation of the design effects required for accurate standard error and confidence interval estimation is not possible because samples are pooled across the design cells of the original survey. For these reasons, data tables showing the pooled sample results present only weighted arithmetic means and unadjusted standard errors for each category. The standard errors are unadjusted and therefore, do not reflect the design effects of the survey. In many cases, the standard errors are based on very few pooled sample measurements and cannot be expected to accurately reflect the true imprecision of the weighted arithmetic mean estimates. Therefore, when the unadjusted standard error was more than 30% of the weighted arithmetic mean, this is noted with a double asterisk (**) and footnoted.