What to know
These resources can help advance Farm to Early Care and Education (ECE) in your state or community. Farm to ECE programs provide children with increased access to healthy, regionally produced foods through local purchasing. They can also help children learn more about food and how food is grown.

National resources
- Farm to Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) (U.S. Department of Agriculture)
- Farm to Preschool Fact Sheet (U.S. Department of Agriculture)
- Farm to ECE Grantee Programs (Association of State Public Health Nutritionists)
- Enhancing Young Children's Access to Local Foods and Farm to ECE: Federal Funding Opportunities (Association of State Public Health Nutritionists)
- Growing Head Start Success with Farm to Early Care and Education (National Farm to School Network)
- Natural Learning Initiative: Gardening Activity Guide (North Carolina State University)
- Harvest for Healthy Kids
State-developed resources
- Tribal Farm to ECE (Washington)
- Produce 101 booklet (District of Columbia)
- Colorado's Farm to Child Guide (Colorado)
- Farm to Child Roadmap (Colorado)