Case #456 – November, 2017
A four-year-old child from Ethiopia had a stool examination as part of a standard refugee screening. A fecal specimen was collected in zinc polyvinyl alcohol (Zn-PVA) fixative and in 10% formalin. A formalin-ethyl acetate (FEA) concentration was performed on the formalin-fixed specimen and a wet mount smear examined for helminths where no ova or larvae were observed but a suspected protozoa was detected. A smear was prepared from the PVA specimen, stained with trichrome stain, and examined. Figures A – D show what was observed in moderate numbers on the trichrome stained smear. The objects measured 8-11 micrometers on average. What is your diagnosis? Based on what criteria?

Figure A

Figure B

Figure C

Figure D
Images presented in the dpdx case studies are from specimens submitted for diagnosis or archiving. On rare occasions, clinical histories given may be partly fictitious.
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