Key points
- Many people find it hard to talk with their doctor or other health care team members. Appointments can feel rushed, or it can be hard to speak up or ask questions in the moment.
- Being prepared can help people with diabetes get the most out of visits with their health care team.

Discussion time: 45 to 60 minutes
- Talking to your health care team
- Family support during health care visits
- When to visit your health care team
By the end of this session, participants will be able to:
- Name at least 3 things they plan to do to make sure they get the most out of their upcoming visits with their doctor or other health care team members.
- Name at least 1 question they plan to ask at their next health care visit.
- Say how often it's recommended that they visit their regular health care provider, eye doctor, dentist, or other specialists to manage their diabetes.
Suggested stories
Getting Ready for Your Diabetes Care Visit: Dr. Gavin talks about the steps to get ready for a visit with the health care team (video: about 3 minutes).
It Takes a Family: The Clayton family works together to support their father who has diabetes (video: about 3 minutes).
Key messages
People with diabetes can prepare for health visits by writing down questions. It also helps to bring a list of all prescriptions and over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, and supplements.
People with diabetes can be their own best advocate for how they feel and what they think. It's important to speak up and ask questions, especially if something seems confusing or unclear.
Family and friends are a great support system for managing health care and going to health care visits.
Tips for going virtual
Discuss if and how group members are engaging with their health care providers through telehealth.
Instead of pairing off participants for the activities, use the breakout room feature of your video teleconferencing platform (if available). Or go around the "room" and have each participant share with the whole group. See Facilitating New Beginnings Online for ideas on how to adapt activities.
The video stories for this module can be played by sharing your screen (and computer audio). Another option is to share the links to the videos with your group members by email before the session starts.