Key points
- To manage diabetes, people need to be able to set goals, plan, monitor progress, and deal with setbacks.
- While self-doubt is normal, self-confidence promotes resiliency when facing new challenges.
- Positive encouragement can increase self-confidence to take on the challenges of managing diabetes.

Discussion time: 45 to 60 minutes
- Being your own best friend
- Setting yourself up for success
By the end of this session, participants will be able to:
- Identify at least 3 thoughts or actions that can lead to self-doubt.
- Name at least 3 positive thoughts or actions for building self-confidence.
- Describe at least 3 thoughts or behaviors that people with diabetes can use to become more resilient and set themselves up for success in reaching their goals.
Suggested stories
Yvonne's Story: Yvonne talks about how she learned she had type 2 diabetes and overcame denial to make the lifestyle choices to manage her diabetes (audio: about 4 minutes).
Setting Goals to Improve Your Health: Experts share tips for setting achievable goals to manage diabetes (video: about 3 minutes).
Key messages
Being resilient means being able to recover from challenges and obstacles more quickly.
A person's self-confidence in their skills and abilities, as well as awareness of available support systems, can help promote resiliency.
Self-doubt can hold people back from making and sustaining healthy changes.
People can learn to overcome self-doubt by setting goals and planning how to handle potential challenges.
Tips for going virtual
Adapt the Be Your Own Best Friend Worksheet into a group activity where participants share how they've experienced being their own best friend or brainstorm as a group using the virtual whiteboard how to be a better best friend to yourself.
The content on the Making a Plan Worksheet can be shared as a Microsoft Word document or Google Doc before the session or as an at-home activity. Group members can then fill it in online without having to print it.
The video stories for this module can be played by sharing your screen (and computer audio). Another option is to share the links to the videos with your group members by email before the session starts.
The audio stories can be inserted into the New Beginnings PowerPoint template along with images that reflect the story.