At a glance
This forum sought to better understand ways to maximize the impact of community health workers (CHWs) on diabetes outcomes.

About the forum
The Community Health Worker Forum gathered CHWs, CHW allies, and state health department representatives together for in-depth discussion. They explored issues related to developing a statewide infrastructure to promote long-term sustainability and financing of CHWs.
Read the Summary Report to learn about key perspectives identified at the forum. Also available in Spanish.
View the webinar that followed the forum. It covers these topics and more:
- Community-clinical linkages
- CHW financing approaches
- Medicaid and CHW financing opportunities
- A story about financing for CHWs in New Mexico
Get the job aid
Involve CHWs in your state's programmatic work! Download this job aid to guide states and policymakers in incorporating CHWs into a statewide infrastructure. This can happen regardless of whether you're just starting to work with CHWs or you want to enhance your efforts. The job aid includes a Readiness Assessment Tool to secure financing for CHWs. Also available in Spanish.