Key points
The National Diabetes Prevention Program (National DPP) lifestyle change program helps people prevent or delay type 2 diabetes. Program coordinators and Lifestyle Coaches have plenty of positive things to say about their experiences.

Laura Aden, Program Coordinator
"I truly believe we are helping in a small way to change people’s lives. We get to see how they are continuing to make changes in the way they’re eating and moving… Our program team is very collaborative; our group of Lifestyle Coaches meets before class and we talk about what’s working, what challenges have come up; we share best practices and ideas."

Dr. Brooke Hudspeth, Program Coordinator
"One participant came in for her scheduled session and reported she had gone to see her doctor for a follow-up earlier in the week. After taking her weight, A1C and other labs, he came back into the room with a big smile on his face. He told her that he had fully intended to start her on medication at that visit to manage her blood sugar; however, after seeing her positive results, he no longer needed to do so! This patient had a primary goal at the beginning of our program to be able to stay off medication and avoid diabetes. To say she was happy about this result would be an understatement."

Cynthia Oredugba, Lifestyle Coach
"I have seen enthusiasm and hope from program participants, and each week as little steps are taken, I see more buy-in. I like the lifestyle change program because of the group participation; emphasis on making small steps to build people’s confidence; and nonjudgmental, supportive environment."

Ricky Sewell, Lifestyle Coach
"I love my work as a Lifestyle Coach and the teachable moments the lifestyle change program offers to participants. I’m also a huge fan of its evidence-based approach. It’s the gold standard for lifestyle change to prevent type 2 diabetes, and it’s great to be a part of that. It’s wonderful to see how the program inspires people to live a healthier life!"