Key points
- Type 2 diabetes is costly, and in many cases it can be prevented.
- Find resources and testimonials to talk to your clients about offering the National Diabetes Prevention Program (National DPP) as an employee benefit.

Type 2 diabetes is common, costly, and preventable
Millions of Americans are living with diabetes, and 1 in 3 has prediabetes. This is a serious health condition that can lead to further health problems, including type 2 diabetes. Diabetes and prediabetes cost employers and insurers billions of dollars each year in lost productivity and medical expenses.
The cost of diabetes
- $413 billion: total medical costs, lost work, and wages for people with diagnosed diabetes.
- The risk of early death for adults with diabetes is 60% higher than for adults without diabetes.
- Medical costs for people with diabetes are more than twice as high as for people without diabetes.
The National DPP lifestyle change program helps people who are at risk prevent or delay type 2 diabetes. They can also lower their risk of heart disease and stroke.
Talking to clients about the National DPP
Use this quick start guide for step-by-step instructions to explain the benefits of the lifestyle change program to your clients.
Introduce the concept of the National DPP lifestyle change program through an introductory email. Then, use the talking points when you meet with clients.
Send this informational flyer to your clients before your annual review. This will help them understand how they can save money by offering the National DPP lifestyle change program.
Input a client’s data to customize an infographic with the savings offered by the National DPP lifestyle change program.
Send this website link to employers who want additional resources.
National DPP's value to your clients
By encouraging your clients to offer the National DPP as a covered benefit, you can help them:
- Increase employee productivity by reducing absenteeism and increasing engagement in preventative care.
- Manage costs through lower health care spending and smaller premium increases.
- Improve employee engagement and satisfaction by offering a program with proven health benefits.
Employer testimonial
See what employers are saying about their success with the National DPP:

“We have been building employer partnerships to help bring the National DPP to more companies in our state. A recent collaboration between a surgical parts manufacturer, a regional hospital, and the YMCA enabled employees to participate in the National DPP even during the COVID-19 pandemic. By building communities of employers, employees, and National DPP providers, we have seen tremendous support for each other, which has been critical to reducing type 2 diabetes in our state.”
Teirra Riggs, ABD, MS, is a diabetes prevention coordinator at the Indiana Department of Health who works with more than 30 Indiana-based companies to offer the National DPP lifestyle change program.