At a glance
These recommendations will help prevent and control the spread of the parasite Cryptosporidium, or "Crypto," in camp settings. Camp owners and managers can follow this guidance to keep campers and staff free from Crypto infection, which causes watery diarrhea.

Millions of Crypto germs can be found in the poop of an infected person or animal. When other people (or animals) swallow Crypto germs, they can become infected. Crypto can be found in water, food, soil and on surfaces that have been contaminated with poop containing Crypto germs.
Prevent the spread of Crypto
Washing hands with soap and clean water can help prevent the spread of Crypto. Alcohol-based hand sanitizers do not effectively kill Crypto germs. Camps should provide accessible handwashing stations with running water, soap, and disposable towels or air dryers.
Campers and staff can stay healthy by washing hands during times when they are most likely to get and spread Crypto germs:
- Before, during, and after handling food
- Before eating food
- Before and after caring for someone who is sick
- After using the toilet
Touching animals, their poop, or anything in their environment can spread Crypto germs from animals and humans. Even animals that appear to be clean and healthy can spread germs to humans. Pre-weaned calves often carry Crypto, which can make people sick.
Here are some steps camps can take to prevent the spread of Crypto from animals to humans:
- Provide accessible handwashing stations with soap and clean, running water and position the stations to encourage handwashing when exiting animal areas.
- Educate campers and staff about the importance of handwashing, specifically:
- After touching an animal or anything in their environment
- After removing clothing or shoes worn in the animal’s environment
- After handling animal feed, pet food, or pet treats
- After touching an animal or anything in their environment
- Review and implement recommendations in CDC's Compendium of Measures to Prevent Disease Associated with Animals in Public Settings [PDF – 25 pages].
- Consult with veterinarians, state and local agencies, or cooperative extension programs on how to put these recommendations into practice.
- Consult with veterinarians, state and local agencies, or cooperative extension programs on how to put these recommendations into practice.
- Supervise campers during animal contact. Discourage hand-to-mouth activities (for example, nail biting) and contact with animal poop or soiled bedding. Children younger than 5 years are more likely to get sick from animals.
- Separate animal and non-animal areas. Do not permit animals, other than service animals, in non-animal areas.
- Do not allow food and beverages in animal areas.
- Remove poop and soiled animal bedding from animal areas immediately.
- Monitor animals daily for signs of illness and ensure that animals receive appropriate veterinary care. Only staff responsible for animal care should have contact with animals that are sick, animals known to be carrying germs that cause diarrhea in humans, and animals from herds with a recent history of diarrhea.
- Limit contact with calves.
A person who has diarrhea caused by Crypto can contaminate recreational water (water used for swimming and playing) with germs. When other swimmers swallow the contaminated water, they can become infected with Crypto.
Chlorine kills most germs in pools within minutes, but Crypto is very tolerant to chlorine and can live for more than 7 days. These steps will help prevent the spread of Crypto germs in recreational water:
- Maintain pools, lakes, and other recreational water venues at the camp to standards set by local or state laws. In pools, maintaining proper chlorine level (at least 1 part per million or ppm) and pH (7.0–7.8) is the first defense against the spread of most germs.
- Don't let campers or staff swim if they are sick with diarrhea.
- Keep campers and staff diagnosed with Crypto out of the water for an additional two weeks after diarrhea stops. People infected with Crypto can continue to spread Crypto germs for up to two weeks after their diarrhea completely stops.
- Keep campers and staff diagnosed with Crypto out of the water for an additional two weeks after diarrhea stops. People infected with Crypto can continue to spread Crypto germs for up to two weeks after their diarrhea completely stops.
- Tell campers and staff to avoid swallowing the water.
- Require bathroom breaks every 60 minutes.
Well water used for drinking
Many camps use private wells for drinking water. These wells use ground water, which can become contaminated with germs like Crypto when:
- Septic tanks or systems are located too closely to the wells.
- Runoff from urban areas and farms pollute ground water, particularly after flooding.
It is important that private ground water wells are tested at least once a year to ensure that the water is safe for drinking and other uses. Maintain safe distances between private ground water wells and possible sources of contamination, like septic tanks or septic systems.
- Maintain wells at the camp to standards set by local or state laws.
- Check camp well(s), at minimum, every spring before the camp opens to make sure there are no mechanical problems.
- Test camp well(s), at minimum, every spring before the camp opens for total coliform bacteria, nitrates, total dissolved solids, and pH.
Food safety
People who are sick with diarrhea may have Crypto and could spread germs to others when handling food. These steps will help prevent the spread of Crypto germs when handling food:
- Maintain food services to the standards set by local or state laws.
- Wash hands before, during, and after handling food. If campers handle food, they should follow food preparation and food safety guidelines.
- Keep people sick with diarrhea or other gastrointestinal symptoms from food and beverage handling.
Cabins and infection prevention
Caring for people who are sick with diarrhea or other gastrointestinal symptoms, touching their poop or vomit, or soiled items can spread germs like Crypto.
- Use gloves and disposable cleaning products when cleaning poop, vomit, and soiled items (linens, clothing, sleeping bags, etc.).
- Wash hands immediately afterwards.
- Wash hands immediately afterwards.
- Wash linens, clothing, sleeping bags, etc. soiled with poop or vomit with detergent in hot water at ≥113°F for at least 20 minutes or at ≥122°F for at least 5 minutes and then machine dry on the highest heat setting.
- If laundry facilities are not available on site or the recommended temperature cannot be reached, then consider completing one of the following:
- Launder the items off site.
- Double bag them in plastic bags and instruct parents or caregivers on the proper washing and drying procedures.
- Discard the items.
- Launder the items off site.
Disease tracking and control
Your local or state health department might require camps to report potential outbreaks within 24 hours. Early notification and involvement of the local or state health department can help prevent and control outbreaks.
Crypto is extremely tolerant to chlorine, and chlorine-based cleaning disinfectants, like bleach, will not kill Crypto. If Crypto causes an outbreak, talk with the local or state health department about switching to disinfectants (like hydrogen peroxide) that kill Crypto. Disinfectants that kill Crypto might not kill other germs that cause other illnesses.
Camps can take these general prevention measures to help stop the spread of Crypto:
- Screen campers and staff for diarrhea and other gastrointestinal symptoms as they arrive to camp.
- Monitor campers and staff for gastrointestinal symptoms while they are at the camp.
- Separate campers and staff sick with diarrhea or other gastrointestinal symptoms from others.
- Develop a list of sick campers and staff, including name, cabin, list of symptoms, and the date symptoms began.
- If multiple campers or staff develop gastrointestinal symptoms:
- Notify your local or state health department immediately.
- Increase cleaning of bathroom facilities and high-touch surfaces (for example, door handles).
- Discontinue salad and sandwich bars, "family-style" service, and buffets — use servers only.
- Notify your local or state health department immediately.