To provide correctional facility staff, public health professionals, community organizations, and anyone else with an interest in correctional health with guidance and resources.

CDC guidance and resources
HIV, viral hepatitis, STIs, and tuberculosis
- CDC Recommendations for Person Detained or Incarcerated in Correctional and Detention Settings - Summary of current CDC guidelines and recommendations for testing, vaccination, and treatment of HIV, viral hepatitis, TB, and STIs for persons who are detained or incarcerated. Links to full guidance documents are included.
- CDC Recommendations for People Who Work in Correctional and Detention Settings – Summary of current CDC guidelines and recommendations for testing, vaccination, and treatment of HIV, viral hepatitis, and TB for staff or other people who work in correctional or detention settings. Links to full guidance documents are included.
- Guidance on Management of COVID-19 in Homeless Service Sites and in Correctional and Detention Facilities – Guidance that can be used to inform COVID-19 prevention actions in homeless service sites and correctional and detention facilities.
Worker safety
- Correctional Workers Safety – CDC research to protect the safety and health of correctional workers.
- Reducing Work-Related Needlestick and Other Sharps Injuries Among Law Enforcement Officers (PDF) – Provides recommendations for reducing needlesticks and other sharps injuries to law enforcement officers, which specifically includes guidance for correctional employees.
Overdose prevention
- Public Health Considerations for Strategies and Partnerships – Overview of CDC partnerships built through multiple public health and public safety collaborations to strengthen and improve efforts to reduce drug overdoses.
- Resources for Public Health Professionals – Resources for jails and prisons that support public health and public safety related to overdose prevention and medication-assisted treatment (MAT) for opioid use disorder.
- Mumps Outbreak Control in Detention Facilities – Job-aid with guidance for health departments and facilities during mumps outbreaks.
Food safety
- Correctional Food Safety - Food safety guidance specifically adapted for correctional settings.