Key points
- CDC compiles and analyzes cause-of-death information through the National Vital Statistics System (NVSS).
- Public health efforts, including surveillance, rely on these death certificate data.
- Your contributions via death certificates help ensure these efforts are evidence-based.

CDC's National Vital Statistics System (NVSS) receives and analyzes data from death certificates. These mortality data help experts—
- Track characteristics of people who died in the United States
- Calculate life expectancy
- Compare U.S. death trends with trends in other countries
Visit the NVSS Mortality website to learn more about how the system tracks death data around the country.
Death certification
Get NVSS data
NVSS captures all deaths from all causes across every state in the nation. You can access NVSS data through our publications, dashboards, and datasets.
- Vital Statistics Rapid Releases
- Timely estimates of important health indicators using provisional data
- Timely estimates of important health indicators using provisional data
- New publications featuring mortality data
- Mortality datasets and related documentation
Mortality topics
Completing death certificates
CDC's National Center for Health Statistics provides training and instructional materials for completing death certificates.
NVSS Mobile App
The Cause-of-Death Mobile Application is a quick-reference guide. Doctors, medical students, medical examiners, coroners, and others can use the app to—
- Access instructions for and examples of filling out a death certificate
- Learn about the certifying medical information, a critical contribution to death certificates that is the responsibility of physicians
- Get more information about the U.S. vital registration system
Download the free app today!
NVSS provides training to help you better understand why it is important to document causes of death completely and accurately on death certificates.
This training discusses—
- How cause-of-death information is used
- How to complete the death certificate
- Where to find additional information