At a glance
Each region of the United States experiences climate change and its impacts on health differently. Read about success stories in Alaska.

Village of Wainwright
The Tribal Village of Wainwright identified that the effects of climatic changes on sea ice are of particular concern to community members as it creates unstable and hazardous transportation conditions on previously stable routes used by snowmobiles in the spring. In response, a project was implemented that supported existing accident prevention and rescue programs through the promotion of the use of location technology (inReach devices) and developed new community-based programs that increase knowledge of health risks due to climate change to reduce injury and death resulting from subsistence and travel activities. This project was supported by a 2017 mini-grant from the CDC via the National Indian Health Board (NIHB).
Sitka Tribe of Alaska
The Sitka Tribe of Alaska relies heavily on shellfish and seafood for nutrition and cultural purposes. Warming water temperatures threaten the safety of shellfish for human consumption. With a 2019 mini-grant from the CDC via the National Indian Health Board (NIHB), the Tribe coordinated a regional project to monitor shellfish contamination. Through this project, they are building capacity to support testing and notification of threats to traditional shellfish and sea-dependent diets.