At a glance
Learn about policies that support PAD programs to ensure that bystanders have access to defibrillators when and where they are needed.

About these resources
Policy resources
Cardiac arrest substantially contributes to avoidable death and disability across the United States. Using cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and automated external defibrillators (AEDs) within minutes of cardiac arrest can dramatically improve survival rates.
Public access defibrillation (PAD) programs and policies work to ensure that AEDs are immediately available for use by lay bystanders when and where they are needed.
Policy evidence assessment reports (PEARs)
While all states have enacted some type of law pertaining to PAD, more information is needed to understand which types of PAD interventions could be addressed in an evidence-informed state PAD law. This report assesses best available evidence that aligns with state laws that address PAD.
State law analyses and resources
State Law Fact Sheets describe the scientific evidence in support of legal interventions and describe the extent to which states have enacted such laws. Related policy analyses provide additional context and information.
Prevention strategies
Coffee break webinars
Outside organizations
Shareable resources
These resources can help your audiences learn more about PAD and cardiac arrest. Share them with peers, advocates, educators, patients, and legislators.