At a glance
Joyce Turner, MS, CGC, is a genetic counselor and a breast cancer survivor.

Genetic Counselor Joyce Turner's story

I am a genetic counselor and a breast cancer survivor who encourages women with a family history of breast cancer to explore genetic counseling and testing.
Helping women understand their risk
I guide my patients to understand their family health history. I ask them if any close relatives (on mom's or dad's side) have had cancer, what type of cancer, and how old they were when they were diagnosed.
I then help them decide if genetic testing is right for them. If my patients choose to get tested, I explain their results. If they are at high risk for breast cancer, I help them make a plan to manage their risk.
The Role of Family History in Breast Cancer
Genetic counselor Joyce Turner, MSC, CGC, explains how a family history of breast cancer may indicate inherited changes in genes that increase your personal risk.
My own breast cancer experience
From my professional training, I knew that I had an increased risk for hereditary breast and ovarian cancer because of my Ashkenazi Jewish heritage and family cancer history.
After having children, I decided to get genetic counseling and testing. My genetic test results did not find any gene mutations known to increase breast cancer risk.
However, I was diagnosed with breast cancer 1 year later, at age 35. After undergoing treatment and surgery to remove my breasts, I am now cancer-free.
As a genetic counselor, I empower women to learn about their cancer risk and take action, even if they can't control what's in their genes.