At a glance
Active support from families, friends, communities, clinicians, health care leaders, employers, and policymakers can improve the success rate among mothers who want to breastfeed. Use these resources to learn more about breastfeeding and how you can take action.


The Surgeon General's Call to Action to Support Breastfeeding-2011

CDC Vital Signs: Hospital Actions Affect Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding Report Card United States, 2022

Healthy People 2020: Law & Policy Breastfeeding Report

The Surgeon General's Call to Action to Improve Maternal Health - 2020
CDC’s Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies (IYCF-E) Toolkit
This toolkit helps emergency preparedness and response personnel, families, and the public ensure that children are fed safely when disaster strikes.

The toolkit contains:
- Information, resources, and tools to help families provide optimal nutrition to infants and young children during emergencies.
- Printable handouts that can be used with or given to families.
- Information for families and caregivers on common questions and how to be prepared to feed infants and young children during emergencies.
- Information for the public on donations during emergencies.
Guide to Strategies to Support Breastfeeding Mothers and Babies
This guide helps readers choose the breastfeeding intervention strategy that best meets their needs.

Support for breastfeeding is needed in many different arenas including hospitals and birth centers, worksites, and communities. This Guide builds upon the research evidence demonstrating effective intervention strategies and offers relevant information for each, including program examples and resources.