At a glance
Learn about the methods, practices, participants, data collection, and results of the Infant Feeding Practices Study II (IFPS II). This was a longitudinal study about infant feeding and care.

The Infant Feeding Practices Study II (IFPS II) was a longitudinal survey about infant feeding and care. Data were collected approximately monthly beginning in the third trimester of pregnancy and through the infant's first year.
Women and their children during the first year of life
About 4,000 pregnant women were recruited from May to December 2005 to participate in the IFPS II. To increase participation rates, the study sample was selected from a national consumer opinion panel of 500,000 households nationwide.
To qualify for the IFPS II, the mother had to be at least 18. The infant had to be a singleton born at or after 35 weeks gestation. The infant had to weigh at least 5 pounds at birth. The infant also could not have a medical condition that would affect feeding. About 2,000 mother qualified and completed mailed questionnaires.
Data collection
IFPS II data were collected using mailed questionnaires and a brief telephone interview near the time of the infant's birth.
The IFPS II provides detailed information about the following:
- Foods fed to infants, including breast milk, infant formula, and solid foods.
- Factors that may contribute to infant feeding practices and to breastfeeding success.
- Mothers' intrapartum hospital experiences, sources of support, and postpartum depression.
- Mothers' employment status and child care arrangements.
- Infant sleeping arrangements.
- Other issues, such as food allergies, experiences with breast pumps, and participation in the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC).
- Diets of pregnant and postpartum women.
Study methods are described in this publication:
Fein SB, Labiner-Wolfe J, Shealy KR, Li R, Chen J, Grummer-Strawn LM. Infant Feeding Practices Study II: Study Methods. Pediatrics. 2008;122(suppl 2):S28–S35.
Results: breastfeeding and infant feeding practices
IFPS II data tables
About 300 tables were created to describe the preliminary findings from IFPS II. The tables are in the same order as the questions in each survey questionnaire and grouped into nine chapters.
Chapter 1 presents the topics covered in the prenatal survey conducted during the last trimester of pregnancy.
Chapter 2 presents the topics covered in the neonatal survey conducted during the first month after birth.
Chapters 3 through 9 present the topics covered in multiple surveys, with each chapter focusing on a different theme. Many topics in the post-neonatal surveys were repeated across the other surveys. As a result, tables in Chapters 3 through 9 generally show results from the same questions over time. To keep tables in one place, the repeated prenatal or neonatal data were pulled out of Chapter 1 and 2. The data were included in the longitudinal tables in later chapters.
- Introduction
- Outline of Web Tables Content
- Chapter 1. Prenatal Survey
- Chapter 2. Neonatal Survey
- Chapter 3. Infant Feeding
- Chapter 4. Infant Health
- Chapter 5. Mothers' Health and Dietary Practices
- Chapter 6. Sources of Information
- Chapter 7. Employment and Day Care
- Chapter 8. Sleeping Arrangement
- Chapter 9. Measures of the National Breastfeeding Awareness Campaign