2000 Adult Asthma Data: Prevalence Tables and Maps
- Table L1Overall by State or Territory
- Map L1Lifetime Prevalence Map
- Table L2.1By Sex and State or Territory (Percent
- Table L2.2By Sex and State or Territory (Number)
- Table L3By Age and State or Territory
- Table L4By Race and State or Territory
- Table L5By Race/Ethnicity and State or Territory
- Table L6By Education and State or Territory
- Table L7By Income and State or Territory
- Table C1Overall by State or Territory
- Map C1Current Prevalence Map
- Table C2.1By Sex and State or Territory (Percent)
- Table C2.2By Sex and State or Territory (Number)
- Table C3By Age and State or Territory
- Table C4By Race and State or Territory
- Table C5By Race/Ethnicity and State or Territory
- Table C6By Education and State or Territory
- Table C7By Income and State or Territory