The National ALS Biorepository has partnered with Temple University ALS Postmortem Core to better provide tissue samples and research assistance. Learn more about the unique samples housed at the Temple University.

Temple University ALS Postmortem Core
Funded by the National ALS Registry
The National ALS Biorepository has partnered with Temple University ALS Postmortem Core led by Lyle Ostrow, MD, PhD, a neurologist and leading national ALS researcher. Dr. Ostrow's ongoing efforts at Temple University is providing tissue samples and data to facilitate over 300 different ALS research projects in academic and industry laboratories around the world. Repository at the Temple University ALS Postmortem Core strives to fulfill these requests and provide demographic and clinical data. This collaboration will expand ALS opportunities in the areas of biomarker identification and genetics to augment and increase ALS research.
- Includes frozen and fixed CNS tissues, liver, and several muscles from ALS/MND and non-neurologic control autopsies. A limited number of other tissues (sural/sciatic nerve, GI tract, skin, etc.) are also available.
- Standard Operating Procedures for tissue dissection, processing, QC analysis, clinical data elements, and neuropathological characterization are specifically optimized to meet the needs of ALS researchers.
- Our dissection method produces the maximum number of individual, optimally sized tissue samples from each ALS-relevant region, while preserving the architecture of the tissue.
- This minimizes subsequent freeze-thaw and labor that otherwise is necessary when re-dissecting frozen slabs or larger tissue regions, and produces several hundred specimens from each autopsy.
- This minimizes subsequent freeze-thaw and labor that otherwise is necessary when re-dissecting frozen slabs or larger tissue regions, and produces several hundred specimens from each autopsy.
- 95 autopsies, including 19 familial ALS decedents
- 11 C9orf72 and 5 SOD1
- 10 with FTD+ALS
- Cases with mutations in SOD1, ALS4 (SETX), SBMA (AR), and others.
- 13 Control autopsies
- 11 C9orf72 and 5 SOD1
Number of participants that donated Postmortem Samples by Type*
Number of Autopsies with:
*Multiple muscles are usually collected per autopsy, so the number of different individual muscles is considerably higher.
For more information
Contact Temple University ALS Postmortem Core
Core Director, Dr. Lyle Ostrow (Lyle.Ostrow@tuhs.temple.edu)
Core Manager, Dr. Kathleen Wilsbach (Kathleen.Wilsbach@temple.edu)