Multisector Approach to Improve Healthy Eating and Physical Activity Policies and Practices in Early Care and Education Programs: The National Early Care and Education Learning Collaboratives Project, 2013–2017
IMPLEMENTATION EVALUATION — Volume 16 — July 25, 2019
The ECELC was guided by a theory of change, which was previously applied to ECE programs, to outline the inputs, activities, and outcomes anticipated as part of the intervention. Inputs included the national team, state partners, program materials, and financial resources. Activities included state-level engagement (ie, stakeholder meetings and train-the-trainer sessions), ECE recruitment, and ECE engagement (ie, learning collaboratives and action periods). Expected outcomes included short-term, intermediate, and long-term outcomes to improve ECE program practices and policies to eventually improve child behavior and health outcomes.
Figure 1.
Abbreviated National Early Care and Education Learning Collaboratives Project theory of change. Abbreviations: CD, compact disc; DVD, digital versatile disc; ECE, early care and education; LMCC, Let’s Move! Child Care.
The National Early Care and Education Learning Collaboratives Project Social Ecological Approach for programs to set action steps for each objective across 5 levels: child, family, program staff, program environments, and program policies.
Figure 2.
Abbreviated National Early Care and Education Learning Collaboratives Project social ecological approach.
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