

8: No. 2, March 2011
Development of a Community-Based Participatory Colorectal Cancer Screening Intervention to Address Disparities,
Arkansas, 2008-2009
In June 2008, IRB approval was received. July 2008 was the funding
start date. August 2008 was when community partners received IRB training. In
September 2008, Research 101 training began with community partners. In October
2008, an informational brochure for the lay health advisor arm was developed. In
December 2008, a PowerPoint presentation for the lay health advisor arm was
developed. Lay advisor training and role model training took place in January
2009, and role model training continued in February 2009. In March 2009,
PowerPoint presentations were developed for the health professional arm and the
control arm. In April 2009, an assessment instrument was developed, and training
with community partners began. Training continued in May, when informational
brochures were chosen for the control and health professional arms. In January
2010, materials developed with community partners received IRB approval and were
pilot tested. The randomized controlled trial started in August 2010.
Figure. Timetable of major milestones, Empowering Communities for
Life program, Mississippi and St. Francis Counties, Arkansas. Abbreviation: IRB,
institutional review board.
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