Volume 5: No.
1, January 2008
Translating a Community Based, Motivational Support Program to Increase Physical Activity to Older Adults with Diabetes at Community Clinics: A Pilot Study of Physical Activity for a Lifetime of Success (PALS)
The Figure title is Participant Flow PALS study, 2005 –
2006. It is a flow chart consisting of boxes interconnected with arrows indicating the flow of participants in the study. The flow begins with a centered box at the top of the page and flows to the bottom. The first box is labeled “assessed for inclusion (N = 305).” Two arrows flow diagonally from this box, one to the left and one to the right, each
connecting to a separate box. Each of these separate boxes is positioned below the first box. The box on the left is labeled “immediate intervention (n = 135).” The box on the right is labeled “delayed intervention (n = 70).”
The box on the right, labeled “delayed intervention,” has no arrows flowing downward from it.
The box on the left labeled “immediate intervention (n = 135)” has two arrows flowing from it. One arrow flows directly down to a box labeled “not offered intervention (n = 70).” Indented below this label inside the box is the following list:
- No visits during study (n = 28)
- Language barrier (n = 18)
- Reason unknown (n = 10)
- Medically ineligible or deceased (n = 10)
No arrows flow from this box.
A second arrow flows diagonally to the right from the box labeled “immediate intervention (n = 135).” This second arrow connects to a box labeled “offered intervention (n = 65).”
Two arrows flow from the box labeled “offered intervention (n = 65).” One arrow flows diagonally to the left and connects with a box labeled “refused outright at clinic level (n = 21).” This phrase is footnoted to footnote a. No arrows flow downward from this box. A second arrow flows directly downward from the box labeled “offered intervention (n =
65).” This box is labeled “agreed to participate at clinic level (n = 44).”
Three arrows flow from the box labeled “agreed to participate at clinic level (n = 44)” to a final row of boxes. The first arrow flows diagonally to the left to a box labeled “enrolled when contacted by community partner (n = 14).” The second arrow flows to a box at the center labeled “found medically
ineligible by community partner (n = 1).” The third arrow
flows to a box on the right labeled “declined (n = 18) or unable to be reached
by community partner (n = 11).” The “n = 18” in this box is footnoted to footnote b.
The footnotes read as follows:
Footnote a: Reasons for outright refusal were lack of interest, feeling at an
age for rest rather than physical activity, feeling already active enough,
perceived ill health and consequent inability to be more active, depression,
unfamiliarity with the senior center, and uneasiness about having a telephone
call from a stranger.
Footnote b: Reasons for declining after initially agreeing to participate were
lack of interest, too busy, other issues of higher priority, and difficulty
comprehending English.
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