Figure. Mission, goals, objectives, and strategies for cancer control, South Puget Intertribal Planning Agency, comprehensive cancer control planning and community mobilization process, drafted by tribal community and partners.
The figure is labeled “Mission, goals, objectives, and strategies for cancer control, South Puget Intertribal Planning Agency, comprehensive cancer control planning and community mobilization process, drafted by tribal community and partners." A figure note reads “SPIPA indicates South Puget Intertribal Planning Agency; CCC, Comprehensive Cancer Control; CDC, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.” The figure is a color landscape of the Washington coast and its wildlife with flow-chart text superimposed over the animals and features. The landscape depicts the migration of salmon from the sea, on the left-hand side of the drawing, upriver to spawning, on the drawing’s right side. A school of salmon in the sea is the first feature on the left, and over it is the caption, “funding and hiring key staff.” Swimming alongside the salmon is a group of dolphins and whales captioned, “partnering with outside organizations.” Next is another school of salmon approaching the river’s mouth from the sea. Its caption reads, “development of project management plan and core planning team.” A yellow cabin sits a short way up and alongside the river with the overhead caption, “community cancer orientation and Cancer 101 training.” Flying overhead is a large bird (a goose or a heron), captioned “community cancer surveys.” Pink salmon rounding a bend in the river are labeled with two captions, “development of community advisory committee” and “community advisory committee training and engagement.” The salmon arrive at their spawning site, and the caption overhead reads “approval of tribal council and SPIPA Board of Directors.” The river flows into a forested mountain on the far right of the drawing, which bears the caption, “SPIPA CCC submitted to CDC.” Superimposed over the entire drawing are the words, “Vision: SPIPA communities are cancer free.” Ben Charles created the original art for this figure. |
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