

Volume 4: No.
4, October 2007
Development of a Culturally Appropriate, Home-Based, Nutrition and Physical Activity Curriculum for Wisconsin American Indian Families
The Figure is a flow chart describing the participatory process used in developing the curriculum for the
Healthy Children, Strong Families (HCSF) intervention. The figure consists of eight levels of boxes arranged vertically, flowing top to bottom and connecting downward with arrows. Three parallel boxes at the first level of the graph are labeled as follows:
"academic researchers, “tribal research and wellness staff,” and
“child development and home visiting specialists and dietitians.” Lines flow downward from each of these three boxes to connect at one point with a single second-level box
labeled “draft framework for curriculum.” This box connects by a downward line to the third-level box labeled “brainstorm ideas for activities and incentives
with community.” A line flows downward from this box to a single fourth-level box labeled “draft each lesson.” This box is in turn connected by a downward flowing line to a single fifth-level box labeled “discussions and modifications with mentors and wellness staff.”
At this point, two-way lines on either side of the box labeled “discussions and modifications with mentors and wellness staff” connect this box back up to the third-level box labeled “brainstorm ideas for activities and incentives
with community.” The line on the left flows through an outer box labeled “American
Indian community mentors.” The line on the right flows through two outer boxes, the lower one labeled “other community members,” and the upper labeled “tribal wellness staff.”
A downward flowing line connects the fifth-level box, “discussions and
modifications with mentors and wellness staff,” with the sixth-level box
below it, which is labeled “finalize each lesson.” This box in turn connects
downward with a seventh-level box labeled “lesson delivery by mentors.” Finally, the seventh-level box connects downward to the eighth and final level box labeled “mentor feedback and lesson modification.”
This final, eighth-level box has two lines flowing out and up from either
side, connecting it with the fifth-level five box labeled “discussions and modifications with mentors and wellness staff.”
Figure. Participatory process for curriculum development in the
Healthy Children, Strong Families intervention.
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