

No. 3, July 2006
A Marketing Perspective on Disseminating Evidence-based Approaches to Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
This figure is a vertical flow chart with five levels. The
top box, public health organizations seeking to disseminate evidence-based
interventions, has four arrows point down to four boxes (wholesale distribution
partners): 1) employers, 2) school boards, 3) city and county boards, and 4)
food and exercise manufacturers. These four boxes point to four retail
distribution partners: 1) employers points to worksites, 2) school boards points
to schools, 3) city and county boards points to built environment, and 4) food
and exercise manufacturers points to retail outlets. These four boxes lead to
one box (service providers), private and nonprofit service delivery
organizations, which flows to members of target audience, or consumers.
Figure 1. Potential distribution channels for evidence-based
obesity interventions
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