

No. 3, July 2006
A Church-based Diabetes Self-management Education Program for African Americans With Type 2 Diabetes
This diagram shows the design of the randomized controlled trial. The diagram reads from top to bottom. A box at the top is labeled “Baseline Measures” and includes a list of measures that were collected for all participants: “Hemoglobin A1c [HbA1c], Diet, Physical Activity, Weight, and Psychosocial Factors.” The circle below indicates the next step, “Randomize 24 Churches (Total of 201 Participants).” Below this circle are two columns, one on the left labeled “Special Intervention (13 Churches, 117 Participants)” and one on the right labeled “Minimal Intervention (11 Churches,
84 Participants).” In the Special Intervention column is a box labeled
"Church-based Intensive Intervention" that includes the four components of the intervention: “One Individual Dietary Assessment and Goal-Setting Visit,” “Twelve Group Sessions,” “Monthly Telephone Contact With Church Diabetes Advisors,” and “Three Printed Messages From Physician.” The next box in the column shows the next step, “8-Month Follow-up Measures”: “HbA1c, Diet, Physical Activity, Weight, and Psychosocial Assessment.” Below that is a box showing “Church-based Reinforcement Period” that includes “Monthly Telephone Contact With Church Diabetes
Advisors.” The last box in the column shows “12-Month Follow-up Measures”: “HbA1c, Physical Activity, Weight, Psychosocial Factors.”
The first two boxes in the Minimal Intervention column are “Two ADA Pamphlets on Diabetes Self-Care” and “Two Program Newsletters.” They lead to the same “8-Month Follow-up” box in the Special Intervention column. The next box in the Minimal Intervention column is labeled “One Program Newsletter.” This box leads to the same final “12-Month Follow-up” box in the Special Intervention column.
Figure. Randomized controlled trial diagram, A New Dawn. ADA indicates American Diabetes Association.
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